Sabtu, 13 April 2019

how to speak english for begginer and motivation word to make you cher up

Fun and Easy Ways to Learn English 

When you’re learning English, it’s important to keep your motivation up. As with any task, there may be times when it feels a bit more difficult, so switch up your methods and don’t be afraid to make mistakes – you’ll reach the level you want...

1. Start with believing in yourself
“I was afraid to speak. I was scared people would make fun of me. Will they judge me?
One day, I thought if so many people can, even I can. So I spoke in English and my confidence increased.” 

2. Listen. Speak. Read. Write. Repeat.

Listen a little. Speak a little. Read a little. Write a little. Then, listen a little more. Speak a little more. Read a little more. Write a little more. Do this, till it becomes a habit.

3. Keep your ears open.
English is everywhere. It’s in online videos, news channels, on radio. So listen and build your vocabulary.

4. Find the answer in the question
Questions are like mirrors. Reverse the question, and find the answer.
Does he…?Yes, he does
Is it…?Yes, it is
Can you?Yes, I can
5. Make the mirror your best friend
Speak to it in English, and it will make you feel confident about the way you are speaking.

6. Read full sentences
You learnt Hindi, Tamil or Telugu in full sentences. Then why should learning English be any different. Read full sentences, speak in sentences.

7. Keep calm and do not worry about grammar.
Remember, even those who speak English fluently make grammatical mistakes. But, what they do right, is communicate without worrying about them.

8. Find an English newspaper and learn a word a day
You could really give your reading skills a boost here – but your speaking skills can benefit, too. The more you read English text to yourself or aloud, the more confidence you will have. If you feel nervous, start by practising at home then move on to reading in front of an audience and asking for their feedback. Of course, it’s also enjoyable to read some wonderful stories.
Keep your fear of new English words away.

9. Use the word before it leaves you.
Use the new word immediately to feel confident about it’s usage.

10. Practice. Practice. Practice. Till it makes you perfect.
To commit new English words to memory, it’s important to keep using them. Keep a notebook of new words you learn, and try to use them in three different sentences. Write your sentences down and say them out loud. The repetition will help you to remember the word, and working out different uses of the word will help expand your bank of vocabulary. Remember, taking small steps like these will still help you to reach your goal. 
There are no shortcuts in life. Definitely, no shortcuts to learn English.

Remember, it is possible to communicate big ideas with relatively limited language. Don’t feel like you need perfect English before you can go out and have interesting conversations with other people.

you never know if you never try , so lets learn english with fun way to learn ;)