Selasa, 02 Juli 2019

what to make u improve better ur english

Senin, 10 Juni 2019

Jurnal pendidikan
Available online
English education: jurnal tadris Bahasa inggris
p-ISSN 2086-6003
vol 9 (2), 2016, 409-428
English Education: jurnal Bahasa inggris, 9 (2), 2016, 409
The Use Of videocast in improving the speaking Ability
Integrated in a drama class
Satria Adi pratama
IAIN Raden intan lampung

One of the languages that is mostly used around the world is English as it is an international language one of the languages that is mostly used around the world is English   it is an international language English languages learners are required not only to understand and deliver massage in written form, but also to understand massage presented orally, such as understanding the content of speech and to deliver their throughts, feeling and experiences for communicative purposes. English teachers need to find a teaching technique in which the students are given opportunities and speak.
In this jurnal the teacher makes listening so that they can focus on using videos and films.
So that students skills speak and increase students motivation to study in this journal the teacher must convince students to do what the teacher teaches.
And during video playback the teacher wants to see students express what they are watching and they can follow or write what they hear
In this journal there is a discussion about how to improve listening so there is better:
Authentic speaking materials
Extensive speaking materials

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